The EU


REMAIN: it's problems


The following list of reasons that Remain in the European Union has problems will be added to as the discussion progresses, so may not necessarily ever form a comprehensive list.

However, before proceeding, just to put 3rd party support behind my take on the European Union as a criminal organisation, let's enjoy this article in The MailOnline.


1. Food pricing

When we the British public were being cajoled and bullied into joining the Common Market between 1970 and 1973 one of the constant arguments between Jo Public and Sam number 10 resulted from the fact that the public deduced easily that joining the Common Market would put up food prices, as was kind of super obvious given that a cup of coffee in France was a number of times more expensive than a cup of coffee in the UK, just as was about every other item of food produce likewise heaver in pricing. We have known since that this is largely due to the unfair practices of the so called Common Market practice of imposing heavy tariffs on imports, and maintaining artificially high prices within the then Common Market. Nothing has changed, and the European Union today does exactly the same. By the way, the government in 1970 to 1973 was of course lying in a barefaced manner. That's something else that does not change ... take note.


2. Commonwealth - New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina

The so called single market is a mechanism of artificially high prices that in 1973 ended food trade with fellow Commonwealth Countries, and also South American countries including Brazil and Argentina. Prior to membership we had lower food prices and trade with these countries which was beneficial to them.


3. Continuing exclusion from our own Fishing Grounds.

Over a period of a few very short years the British fishing industry, which had been a busy and thriving industry for centuries (rather natural when you think about it: for an island nation on the side of one of the three word’s oceans) keeping the many ports alive and active, were virtually forced into outright closure. The takeover of British territorial waters by the other Common Market countries, and the imposition of laws and regulations that appeared designed to limit British fishing while dealing out fishing rights to foreign fishing companies, remains a lamentable and disgusting ongoing maintained vandalism against British fishing industry. This is still getting worse than ever, marked by the recent illegalisation of fishing of any sort including with fishing rod from the shores of Britain by the European Union.


4. Today, 3 June 2016, we are into the end game of this historical referendum.

It is entirely appropriate to watch this video ... by clicking here


5. Sometimes it only takes a mundane or everyday comment to trigger a useful rant which, if treated correctly, may be used as a blog or, alternatively, a letter to the editor if arising from a newspaper article as did the one I am about to describe.

The article in the BARNET & WHETSTONE PRESS dated 2nd June 2016 about EU and Barnet Businesses was headed Fears that Brexit could cost Barnet Businesses £500,000 and contained the line, "But should Britain exit the EU the cash could become unavailable, say Barnet Labour councillors, with the effect that more businesses would go bust and more people would become reliant on the state benefits....."

Not intending to, I began an email to an associate at Finchley Calling that itself turned into a rant and, rather than waste it, here it is ....



I feel like writing direct to councillors to register my concerns at their fearmongering, published by the Barnet & Whetstone Press, and thanking them for their frankness in demonstrating that their fearmongering is motivated by free taxpayers money taken off us and redistributed by EU and local council to bribe people into protecting and promoting the European Union membership including by slandering the anti European Union movement in the UK, namely Brexit, by making the fatuous claim quote, "Fears that Brexit could cost Barnet businesses £500,000".

It is hard to imagine a more self serving den of corrupt individuals who have conspired to defraud the population of a country out of almost everything from their birthright and inheritance to their freedom and the benefits and fruits of centuries of labour, not to mention a legal system second to none and a jury system for which there is no alternative equal out of the entire world.


The actual truth behind this article is clear and simple to see. The corrupt British government guarantees to take taxes from the British population and replenish the European Union pig's trough of EU gravy, from which, in addition to the guaranteeing of both unjustified and excessive pensions to fellow conspirators, hundreds of thousands of bribes are paid out to various groups and causes, many instances of which, it is insisted, notices are attached thanking the EU for the "EU finance" or "EU funding" that made this possible.

This is corruption of the vilest and most foul sort. This is why, but not the first reason why, I regard the European Union as a criminal organisation organised and governed by a bunch of corrupt international criminals.


What we in the UK today are fighting for, in our own unpaid time and assisted by huge numbers of personal cash contributions with the aim of Brexit, is the right to govern ourselves so that we may look after our own businesses and industry and population, unlike the European Union that seeks ultimately to diminish and destroy our industries until they have achieved their goal and bankrupted the country. (Greece was the first example, and more examples will follow if the EU survives long enough.) The only people who can and will look after our country, which means implicitly everyone in our country, are the people in our country governing it from within, rather than people in some foreign criminal organisation bent on achieving its own objectives.


Just because we have had a few generations of traitorous politicians who have by foul means betrayed everything good people stood for does not  mean that we need to rely on a bunch of foreign criminals to rule over us. It might be just the wording in the title of your article that offends, but it betrays the fundamental lie being perpetrated by the 'project Europe' that has gone so rotten that it is now nothing other than: BAD FOR EUROPE.


