Lies and corruption leaning towards blaming Global warming on human activity:
The BBC has long been identified as a neutral body representing neutral reporting. It is required to be neutral by its charter. However, increasingly the interests and views of individuals within the BBC have been taking precedence over neutrality, and instances of this have now become so blatant as to require in the first instance the abolition of TV license fees, and in the name of honest politics that the curved and dishonest individuals in the BBC to made accountable for their actions, and for their missuse of the British Broadcasting Corporation. It is worth noting that this is the one and same corporation that has been acting as milch cow to the top people who have manipulated their own remunerations to, in the first instance, be disgracefully high and in the second instance to go on and imorrally obtain remunerations that have exceed even the excessively high remunerations that they had secured for themselves. On climate issue: Making of BBC Climate Policy.
A more definitive comment is written in this issue of the ssue: Making of BBC Climate Policy.